Friday, April 30, 2010

2011 NFL Draft: TE’s

1. Lance Kendricks, Wisconsin
2. Weslye Saunders, South Carolina
3. Luke Stocker, Tennessee
4. Konrad Reuland, Stanford
5. Mike McNeill, Nebraska
6. Charlie Gantt, Michigan State
7. Jeffrey Anderson, UAB
8. Mike Ragone, Notre Dame
9. Virgil Green, Nevada
10. Schuylar Oordt, Northern Iowa
11. Joe Torchia, Virginia
12. Stephen Skelton, Fordham
13. Cameron Graham, Louisville
14. Alston Umuolo, San Diego State
15. Eric Peitz, Colorado State

Kyle Adams, Purdue
Bradley Dedeaux, Kansas
Colin Cochart, South Dakota State
Brett Brackett, Penn State

1. Kyle Rudolph, Notre Dame
2. Blake Ayles, USC
3. George Bryan, North Carolina State
4. Deangelo Peterson, LSU
5. Lansford Watson, Maryland
6. Kavario Middleton, Washington
7. Andrew Jones, Missouri
8. Brandon Barden, Vanderbilt
9. Aron White, Georgia
10. Danny Noble, Toledo

1 comment:

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